Oxana Abramov Grofi
Oxana Abramov Grofi
Oxana is a travel & fashion blogger and writer. Oxana was born in the Derbent, Dagistan but grew up in Israel. She graduated from fashion journalism studies at Shenkar College and currently works in fashion education and tourism. In addition to her fashion for passion and writing, Oxana is a practising musician and a vocal coach. She endeavours to live by the motto “live every single day to the fullest” and “travel as much as you can”.
5 minutes with Oxana…
1. Who were you named after?
Funny story, so everyone in my family has Hebrew names or names that are in memory of a grandparent, however, my lovely father wanted a special Russian name and he picked Oxana because it reminded him of a Russian Aristocrat.
2. What was the first item you splurged on and what age?
I think it was a turquoise Jimmy Choo sandal, which I bought when I was 26. BTW, I still own them and they are still in very good shape!
3. What book are you in the middle of (or last read)?
The List by Yuval Abramovitz- very inspiring!
4. Favourite space to be in?
So the thing is that I really love NYC, the winter and the cold (can you tell that I'm Russian?!), so if I had to choose my favourite space to be in, it would be the Skating rink in Bryant Park, NYC.
5. Fave food?
Everything! Haha, I'm a real foodie and my husband is a wonderful cook.
6. What's in your bag right now?
A credit card, hand cream, lipstick, mirror, Kleenex, small change and a lot of small lists
7. Chocolate - milk, dark or white?
8. Where did you grow up? Tell us a bit about it...
I grew up in Sderot, southern Israel. I had a very happy childhood with lot's of friends, parties, we had an amazing wooden park next to our home and we used to celebrate birthdays, special events or just to have fun and explore nature. But Sderot is also a very difficult city to live in since we were so close to Gaza border (1.2 KM). The rockets from Gaza were a constant reality but we stayed positive and focused our attention on art, music and everything that could help to distract us from this difficult situation.
9. Who is your fave blogger/ writer and why?
I have a favourite IG account I follow; Zhanna Bianca. She is a very talented photographer, she inspires me constantly and I really love her style.
10. Your all-time favourite piece of clothing?
A red midi skirt that I bought from ASOS almost 10 years ago and I still wear it all the time.
11. One word you'd use to describe yourself...
12. Beyond fashion, travelling and music, do you have a hobby?
Photography- I really love taking pictures and I mostly use my IG account to showcase them.
To read more of Oxana’s work visit her blog, email her at oxox99@gmail.com or follow her on Instagram