Taking Stock: 2020 Wrapt So Far
When I last wrote for Wrapt it was March/ August, I was about to have a baby and we were on the precipice of the pandemic, but I don’t think anyone could have predicted the cataclysmic escalation of the virus, or that it would merely become the backdrop for a seismic civil right’s movements, historic events or global socio-economic crisis. Whether you think of the Black Lives Matter movement, a muted Pride Month, the range of charity based projects and drives, the Eids’, Easter or Passover, an escalation in Anti-Semetic sentiment and activity, or a new world order facilitated by Zoom or the most recent tragedy in Beirut, its only August and 2020 has offered us no favors. It's not what we expected, it may even be worse.
But as cliché as it sounds, it’s important to remember that growth often occurs through adversity. So take stock of this past year and ask yourself, when this Pandemic has finally past, do you want to pick up from where you left off or do you want to embrace what you have learnt from this period. Whether it’s learning to cope with self-isolation and social distancing, or your Anti-Racist work. Building your allyship, or activism, or your self-education. Finding the space to be as generous with yourself as you are to others, or the other way around (I have been so moved by the generous spirit of communities during this time- from activism to community-based appeals to food drives to the most recent rush to provide aid for the victims of the Beirut explosion); or, realizing that your relationship with G-d, family and friends can function, even flourish despite Corona restrictions. It’s all work, it’s all important and and it’s all in progress.
To live is to learn. And we have so much more to learn; so take stock and stay motivated! Keep doing the work; keep marching; keep reading; keep typing; keep researching; keep watching; keep speaking; keep sharing; keep breathing, and wear your mask until we start seeing the difference that we all deserve; as Fannie Lou Hamer said “nobody’s free until everybody’s free”.
I can't promise you that we can do more than that right now. The Wrapt team is facing all the same challenges you are, but we will keep on keeping as best as we can as we hope you will also. In the meantime, we will endeavor to bring you some new articles that are winsomely nostalgic, fashion critical and culturally specific to all the sites and books that we have been filling our time with.
#WraptbyChav: Postpartum with four kids at home due to Covid-19 I have been more or less confined to the home/ work life space. It has been as much liberating, as it has been challenging, but it has also brought about some much needed home solutions and interior touches- all of which have prioritized comfort, quality and sustainability #2020goals
Clockwise from top left corner; Dress (dream dress), Mara Hoffman; Linen lounge set- top, shorts and pants, Lullaby Club (I bought in 3 colours and I have them on rotation and a matching outfit for baby); Market Basket, BabaTreeBaskets; Stools, Kuchinate; Sandals, Teva; Basket Bag, Rosie Assouline.