Book Club: How to Spot a Mom

By Jesica Sweedler DeHart

Book: How to Spot a Mom by Donna Amey Bhatt, illustrated by Aura Lewis

It’s a snowy day here in the Pacific Northwest, and I woke up earlier than usual, lit a fire and made an extra-large pot of coffee, knowing that I had a few hours to read before everyone emerged. 


What better book to ponder this year than How to Spot a Mom by Donna Amey Bhatt (illustrated by Aura Lewis). It's actually a picture book and filled with surveys and assessments, it's getting my entire family involved. “What kind of mom am I?” I inquired of my teens. It’s been determined that I am clearly the 'Chatty Mom' who always has an anecdote or story, except when I work at the library. But it has also been decided that as a result of Covid19, I have also become a 'Homebody Mom'. 


And as I returned to the book later in the day, I noted that today had been one of those rare days where at 3pm no one had cried, the house was still relatively clean, the kids had had minimal zoom appointments, and I was still in my pyjamas. Yesterday, however, had been the complete opposite. This last year, parenting amidst a global pandemic has really changed the way I “mom” while also momming (yes, it has become a verb) harder than I ever have in my life. 


I am not sure if it is possible to love a book more than I love this one. A celebration of moms everywhere and their diverse parenting styles and skills, I want to give all the moms in my life a copy, except for this one. This one is mine to keep because I know as we move through this life, we are all evolving, and I am sure that the way I "mom" will continue to do so too.


Jesica is a librarian and book critic. To see what else she is reading, loving or recommending follow Jesica on Instagram, Facebook or visit her profile at Wrapt to see what else she is reviewing here.