Mimi Nussbaum


Born and schooled in Sydney, Australia; Mimi continued her studies for 6 months in Melbourne, Australia after graduating from high school, followed by seminary for a year in Jerusalem, Israel. Whilst completing her BA (History and English) through Macquarie University, she met and married her husband in New York. After spending 7 months in Israel newly married, they moved back to Sydney, Australia, where Mimi completed her GradDipEd.

Now a mother of three (aged 9, 5 and 2), Mimi currently teaches Classical Hebrew and Studies of Religion at HSC level in Moriah College, Sydney, and is an avid reader, writer and likes a good shop now and then.

5 more minutes with Mimi

Who were you named after? 

Miriam the prophetess, sister to Moshe/ Moses, (I was born on the 7th day of Passover)

Where did you grow up? Tell us a bit about it... 

Sydney, Australia - beaches, long summer days, and lots of overseas vacations to spend time with family. I never really appreciated the laid back nature of being raised in Australia, until I had children and travelled overseas for visits, and was able to compare the lifestyles.

First item you splurged on and what age?  

Way too hard to pin that down!! Probably the beginning of my Coach bags addiction, which started when I lived in New York in my early 20s, thankfully I have moved on since then

What do you work as and what do you love most about your job?

I'm a senior high school teacher at a private Jewish High School; what I love most about my job is the way I can provide my students with a sense of purpose, relevance and interest in the world around them, anchored by their faith and foster the sense of belonging that comes with being part of the greater jewish community..

Who is your fave blogger and why?

Not really such a blog-follower... but I do have some instagram faves: Stephanie Gottlieb - because her jewelry is gorgeous (but totally out of the budget)... and Sarah from A. Soliani, because she designs the most beautiful Italian shoes (and is my sister's friend!)

Do you have a favourite designer? Why?

Being Australian, I love the textures, quality and timelessness of Country Road (especially their winter collection pieces), their items last for years and years and are practical and stylish; but what appeals to me most is Zimmerman - the floral design, texture and elegance of their beautiful pieces.

All time favourite piece of clothing? 

It varies depending on the season... but my pink, furry loafer-style uggs are definitely my staple in winter at home!

Favourite space to be in?

Sitting by a pool/beach,basking in the sun, whilst listening to music/reading a book

What does a typical day in your life look like? 

A work day: Getting everyone in the house "ready to go," (breakfast, uniforms, tidying up), then going to work, exercising somewhere in the day (either before or after work depending on my schedule), after school: organizing kids homework, making lunches, dinner, usually have a tutoring session or two, before and/or after dinner & bedtime routine for the kids (with my husband!), eating dinner once the kids are in bed, finally sitting down to do my school work and if that's not too heavy, watching tv till bedtime for me!

If you could have dinner with two people, dead or alive, who would it be? Why?

The Lubavitcher Rebbe - I have some questions to ask! I would love the direction and guidance he so famously was able to give, in person.

When I asked my son this question, he said YOU, and the truth is I was thinking to write my mum for the second person as well :) Just because it is always nice and special to be able to have dinner with your Mum. :)

Chocolate - milk, dark or white?


What makes you feel beautiful?

When my wig looks good! When I am wearing my fav pieces of jewelry (or potentially new jewelry!) , when I am wearing something I like, when I am happy

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

A homeowner, mother and grandmother, still involved in my profession (though to what extent I am not sure!)

If you had one message for women what would it be?

Trust your instinct, especially as a Mum, we are usually right! When it comes to making lifestyle decisions and choices, there is no one size fits all, everyone has to live by their own expectations and goals, not others' expectations of them. As well, all of our needs and wants are diverse, and so we must align with these in our decision making. Also - make a choice to be kind - always; support others where you can, show appreciation and gratitude to others; everyone benefits when people are thoughtful and compassionate, and everyone likes to be appreciated!