Diverse Pages: Three books that I am currently loving and learning from

Book club is back!!! With Jesica Sweedler DeHart


I always have prioritized reading books about women and, in particular, books that celebrate and showcase the diverse voices of women. Admittedly, even my understanding of what diversity truly is has expanded in the last few years. Now, I look for inclusive books such as those that we can see our humanity reflected from within its pages.

Here are three books that I am currently loving and learning from:

Confident Women by Tori Telfer and published by Harper Perennial.

It takes a lot of strength to pull off a scam and con someone! Confident Women asks the provocative question: Where does chutzpah intersect with a uniquely female pathology- and how were these notorious women able to dupe and defraud their victims so spectacularly?


Bookish Broads: Women Who Wrote Themselves Into History by Lauren Marino is out now from Abrams Books

Bookish Broads introduces you first to the author who is truly the definition of a bookish broad. Illustrated by Alexandra Kilburn, this book asks a question that I genuinely love to ponder, “If a well-read woman is a dangerous creature, what does that make a woman writer?” Throughout history, women have had powerful words to share, and yet the obstacles to being published and sharing their perspectives have been extensive. Featuring 60 storytellers and telling their stories, this book celebrates the “history of the female experience.”


Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders and illustrated by Carol Rossetti published by Frances Lincoln at Quarto Knows.

I honestly got a bit emotional reading this book as it invites us to love our body. A shift from the standard message we received every day, Sanders asks to engage in real and honest relationship with our bodies to celebrate their uniqueness and achievements. Not only is it the most body-positive book, but the illustrations also say it most clearly. The resources, affirmations, and gentle guidance are exact in both their preciseness and softness. Not only do I want to share this book with the kids and teens in my life, but also all of my friends.

We all need this reminder to love and appreciate our bodies- no matter our age, gender or size.


Jesica is a librarian and book critic. To see what else she is reading, loving or recommending follow Jesica on Instagram, Facebook or visit her profile at Wrapt to see what else she is reviewing here.